The Different Stages Explained
☛ During the gingivitis stage, the bacteria present in the plaque on the teeth start irritating the gums, which causes them to swell, turn red, and bleed easily. An early indication is when you observe bleeding in the gums while brushing your teeth.
☛ When gingivitis is ignored and left untreated, it progresses to periodontitis, which is characterized by the formation of pockets around the teeth. These pockets are gaps between the teeth and gums in which plaque gets accumulated overtime.
☛ This causes extensive damage to the tissues and teeth. Hence, it is extremely essential to treat the problem in the gingivitis stage itself.
A gum disease is a result of poor oral hygiene combined with several other factors, like smoking, consumption of alcohol, intake of foods like popcorn, improper usage of toothpicks, and deficiency of essential nutrients. Other causes include frequent clenching or grinding teeth; improper teeth alignment; poorly done filings; medical conditions, like diabetes, menopause, and pregnancy in women; and the consumption of certain medication.
Treating Gum Disease
Maintaining Oral Hygiene
First and foremost, maintaining good oral hygiene is of utmost importance to prevent any sort of dental health-related problem. Good oral health habits can help in reversing gingivitis and preventing periodontitis.
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a good antibacterial toothpaste.
- Ensure to brush your teeth after eating sticky foods, like chocolates and popcorn.
- It is a healthy practice to rinse the mouth and floss the teeth after every meal.
- If possible, use an antibacterial mouth wash to rise your mouth thoroughly.
- Always rid your teeth of any food particles that may have got stuck between the teeth.
- Also, scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper to get rid of germs on the tongue.
- Use a good quality toothbrush and floss to avoid injuring the gums and tissues around the teeth.
Natural Cures
Once the gum disease has reached the periodontitis stage, it is extremely important to consult a dentist for an appropriate treatment. You may be asked to undergo a gum surgery or laser treatment if the pockets are too deep. Along with the antibiotics prescribed, you can also follow some safe and natural cures at home. Mentioned below are some of them:
☛ Consuming dietary supplements like vitamin C, zinc supplements, or myrrh capsules can be extremely beneficial in curing gum disease.
☛ Massage your gums and teeth with essential oils, like clove, eucalyptus, or peppermint oil. Do this twice a day, and ensure that you do not rinse off the oil.
☛ Prepare an antibacterial mouthwash with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and water. Mix them in the ratio of 1:1, and use this to rinse your mouth twice daily.
☛ Prepare a solution by mixing baking soda and water. Apply this to your teeth and gums with your fingers. After a few minutes, massage your teeth and gums gently with the solution. Rinse with water and repeat once or twice.
☛ Gargling your mouth with salt solution is also an extremely efficient remedy.
The treatment options mentioned above should be followed only after consulting the dentist. He/she will determine the stage of the problem before suggesting any remedy. Consumption of medication is essential to cure the condition completely. Once it has been cured, follow an oral hygiene regimen to prevent the reoccurrence of such problems.