Different Types of Dental Procedures
Veneers – Veneers are used to enhance the look of a chipped or broken tooth. Moreover, this process can also be used to remove damaged teeth, correct uneven teeth, and repair wear and tear of teeth. They are a protective covering which are used to cover the surface of the teeth. There are basically two types of veneers: composite resin and porcelain veneers.
Tooth Extraction – Tooth extraction is one of the most common dental procedures and is carried out to prevent further damage to the teeth structure. Many a time people complain of the wisdom teeth aching and in such cases tooth extraction may be required. In some cases, this process may be performed to create space for orthodontic treatment. Besides teeth structure, a tooth may be extracted if it decays or gets infected.
Fillings – Filling is carried out if a tooth decays and cavities are formed. White fillings or composite resins and silver fillings or dental amalgams are the two common types of dental fillings used.
Root Canal – In case of any problem to the dental pulp, a root canal is performed. In this process the pulp is removed and is replaced with a filing material. If a tooth decays to such an extent that the decayed part reaches the nerves, a root canal may be necessary. It is usually performed if the filling is not of any help.
False Teeth Dentures – This is one of the most common types of cosmetic dentistry. In this procedure a missing tooth is replaced with an artificial tooth which is made of acrylic resin. Dentures can be divided into four types – complete, partial, conventional, and immediate. A complete denture involves removal of all the teeth, while a partial denture involves filling the gap between the missing teeth. In conventional dentures, all the teeth are extracted first, and then after a period of at least 4 weeks the dentures are placed. However, immediate dentures don’t have any recovery period, and the dentures are placed immediately.
Basic Dental Implant – Dental implant surgery can be used as an alternative to dentures, where a small cavity is made using a tooth-grilling machine. The process of creating such a cavity is called gum grafting and once it’s formed, a suitable filling is placed, and the crown is placed over it. One may need to go through this process to restore the shape of the mouth.
Teeth Bleaching – Teeth naturally darken with age; however, some people use various at-home or in-office bleaching methods to bleach them. Bleaching is one of the cosmetic dentistry processes and there are very few side effects
Orthodontics – This process involves using thin metallic wires to align the jaws. If there’s an extra tooth or a crooked tooth, this process is used to correct it. Braces apply gentle pressure and bring the teeth in proper alignment. They can be either fixed of removable.
Bridges – Dental bridges can be used to cover the opening in case a person has lost a tooth. Such bridges are fixed to the gum by means of a cementing material, so that it can’t be moved.
Crowns – A crown may be placed over a decayed or damaged tooth. The shape of the crown is similar to that of the tooth, and it is used to strengthen the structure of the damaged or decayed tooth. It can be made of different materials like porcelain or even gold.
Sealant – Sealants can be used to prevent tooth decay. They are plastic films which are fixed on premolars and molars. They provide complete protection against decay, are quite cost-effective.
Tooth Bonding – This process involves application of composite resin to correct fractured, chipped, or decayed teeth. It is different from veneers; veneers are artificially made in a laboratory, whereas the bonding is done in a dental office. It is a restorative process in which the gaps between teeth are also filled.
So, these were the different types of dental procedures which one may need to go through. It’s always good to consult a professional on the kind of treatment required for proper dental care.