Root Canal

Root Canal Alternative

Root Canal Alternative

The root canal is a dental treatment that involves removal of the infected pulp or nerve. It is a procedure that works on the inner aspects of a tooth, unlike other dental procedures. In this procedure, the injury or infection of the nerve inside the tooth or the tooth pulp is cleaned out. The procedure […]

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Root Canal Infection

Root Canal Infection

Basically, a tooth can be divided into two parts – the exposed part called the crown, and the portion that is embedded in the gums, called the root. Every tooth has a central hollow area, called the pulp or the pulp chamber, which contains blood vessels and connective tissues. This soft portion inside the tooth

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Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontics, is usually done to save a tooth when the nerve and blood vessels in the center of the tooth, which form the dental pulp, die, resulting in the tooth becoming infected. The infection is generally caused when the tooth decays, either because of a fracture of the tooth,

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Root Canal vs Extraction

Root Canal vs Extraction

Dental and oral hygiene is absolutely vital for every single individual, and a failure to maintain good standards will inevitably lead to some complications that will require painful solutions. Once an infection has been spotted on a tooth, it needs to be acted upon immediately before it spreads to other parts of the mouth and

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Root Canal Recovery

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that is done as a last resort to save the tooth from extraction. Thus, it is only done when the patient has excruciating pain that has its origin in the pulp chamber of the root canal. In such cases, its symptoms cannot be ignored and need to be

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Root Canal Swelling

A swelling that occurs in the innermost section of the root, that is, in the root canal, is known as a root canal swelling. This situation normally occurs when there is accumulation of pus in the root canal. This leads to severe pain; however, the term ‘root canal swelling’ is a misnomer, as the canal

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Root Canal Pain

The pain in the root canal actually refers to pain in the cavity of the tooth structure known as the root canal. We all know that the tooth is made up of three main parts – enamel, dentin, and pulp. The pulp is the innermost portion of the tooth that has nerves and blood vessels.

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