Root Canal Swelling

A swelling that occurs in the innermost section of the root, that is, in the root canal, is known as a root canal swelling. This situation normally occurs when there is accumulation of pus in the root canal. This leads to severe pain; however, the term ‘root canal swelling’ is a misnomer, as the canal

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Toothache Symptoms

The medical term used to describe the aching pain of the teeth is odontalgia. It occurs as a result of swelling in the central part of the tooth also known as the pulp. It consists of several nerve endings which are highly sensitive towards pain. There are several causes that can lead to the inflammation

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bleeding gums

How to Stop Bleeding Gums

Many people experience bleeding gums everyday while brushing or flossing, but they tend to neglect the problem. Though the fact is that, it is one such problem that you cannot afford to ignore. This condition is often accompanied by inflammation, pain, receding gums, bad breath, and even toothache. It is an obvious sign of unhealthy

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