Toothache During Pregnancy

Toothache During Pregnancy

Toothache during pregnancy is extremely frustrating for would-be mothers. It puts additional stress to the body, which is already stressed because of pregnancy. It is caused due to a rise in the hormone levels in the body, which tend to make the teeth and gums prone to bacterial infection. Pregnancy gingivitis, or inflammation of the

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Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontics, is usually done to save a tooth when the nerve and blood vessels in the center of the tooth, which form the dental pulp, die, resulting in the tooth becoming infected. The infection is generally caused when the tooth decays, either because of a fracture of the tooth,

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Underbite in Children

Underbite in Children

Ideally, the teeth are said to be in occlusion, when the upper teeth are present just above the lower teeth on closing your mouth. However, in some cases, the lower teeth are present ahead of the upper teeth when the jaws are closed. This condition is known as an underbite, which is becoming a common

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Causes of Tooth Pain

Causes of Tooth Pain

Almost every adult has felt the harrowing pangs of tooth pain at least once in their lifetime. The handful of people who haven’t yet experienced it, have already made mental notes of the excruciating pain associated with it, by observing the sufferings of their near and dear ones. We’re all aware that a toothache is

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Root Canal vs Extraction

Root Canal vs Extraction

Dental and oral hygiene is absolutely vital for every single individual, and a failure to maintain good standards will inevitably lead to some complications that will require painful solutions. Once an infection has been spotted on a tooth, it needs to be acted upon immediately before it spreads to other parts of the mouth and

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