Braces the first week

Braces – The First Week

Right, so you’ve read and seen all you could about braces and correcting your teeth moreover the awaited day arrived and you finally got them on your own teeth! It was quite an investment as they are not exactly cheap yet hopefully the result will not disappoint. All of a sudden you realize how easily you talk to those who already had them on for a while since you now have got something in common!

The very first experience, of having them glued on your teeth was not bad but what can you expect the first week?

As I have seen it for myself, once you leave the orthodontist’s office, there is no pain whatsoever, just the curiosity to see yourself in the mirror with your new braced face but… a couple of hours later, the fun begins! Yes the pain seems to have found you especially after you eat, that’s why the recommendation to stick to softer foods is really useful now. The second and the third day are also accompanied by the new pain due to teeth alignment but it gradually disappears after a week, consequently, there is no need to worry. Pain killers help in this case.

Another major concern is the hygiene. Even more than before, wearing braces make brushing teeth, flossing and using mouthwash a chief priority after each meal and snack. Flossing is although enough if done once a day, preferably in the evening. It is now when you observe that if you don’t wash your teeth after each meal, the “lovely food remains” can be seen sticking to your braces and that is not exactly what we’d call a pretty site! The next question arises: “Will I be able to eat out without being embarrassed?” Oh, come on, life must be enjoyed even while wearing braces!

Do not be surprised by the pain you might experience during and after the meals in the first 3-4 days. You feel like pulling the braces off to be able to feel your teeth for a second but you can’t! Don’t worry, the discomfort will pass within the first week! Also the first 3-4 days are more difficult because you are not used to the metal in your mouth and it can irritate your inner cheeks; you might fear that it will be the same all the time from now on, but no, fortunately it gets much better once you had your first healed sores. To help in such cases you can use wax – it is a special wax that your orthodontist will provide you with – and you can apply it on the bracket that gives you trouble. Again, it is a matter of adjusting to the new situation and it normally ends in the first week (or even less). Well lastly but most importantly you feel your teeth following the wire getting closer to the position you want them in. That is great!

The first week with braces is the most challenging because practically everything is new for you, but once the first discomforts are gone, you normally do not have any pain… until the next time your orthodontist activates your device again. This usually occurs once in 4 to 8 weeks. However, this time you don’t need to worry about sores because usually those are done and over with; yes, for a few days there will be tension again but, the teeth are getting closer to the ideal position!

To sum up what one can expect from the first week with braces: It is the most difficult time because you need to get used to the way you’ll look for a good period of time from now on, your lips seem bigger and look like that because of the braces underneath them. When you smile people notice you have something on your teeth; you need to get used to the new teeth brushing technique and of course the new flossing technique! Oh and flossing is difficult in the beginning because you are not used to it. It takes more time at first (rather something close to forever) but you’ll get better at it, just as with any other new action. Plus there is the new special brush to use in between the brackets! Yes, all these but well worth it in the end… end that will be in some good months or years. However, the most important step is over with, the braces are in your mouth! One day, they will be off again! Meanwhile enjoy seeing your teeth getting beautifully aligned!