How Much do Braces Cost?
Metal Braces: The most commonly used orthodontic braces are the conventional metal braces. These consist of metal brackets placed on teeth and a wire attached to it, which connects all the brackets of one dental arch. The wire is tightened, depending upon the amount of force required to bend the teeth in the desired manner. These braces are quite visible and since the brackets are made of metal, they cost less. The cost of these braces might lie between USD 5000 and USD 7000.
Ceramic Braces: Another option for kids, if they wish to go for a slightly more aesthetic treatment is, ceramic braces. In these braces, the brackets that are placed on the teeth, blend in with the color of the teeth. Hence, they get camouflaged and are not very visible. Since these braces are made of ceramic, they are slightly more expensive than the regular metal braces. These might cost around USD 2000 more than the regular braces. Hence, these braces could cost around USD 10,000.
Invisalign Braces: This is a relatively new option that makes use of clear, plastic aligners, which are known as invisalign. These are used in cases where the malocclusion is very mild and requires lesser amount of time for treatment. However, due to the skill of the orthodontist involved and taking into consideration the laboratory charges for fabrication of the aligners, these invisible braces could cost anywhere between USD 4000 and USD 6000. It is an option for teens with mild misalignment of teeth.
Lingual Braces: The latest option available when it comes to orthodontic braces is lingual orthodontics. In this treatment, the usual metal braces are fitted behind the teeth, that is, on the side of the tongue. These braces are the most expensive and could cost around USD 10,000 or more. However, these are not ideal for kids due to many reasons. Firstly, the cost for this treatment is very high because of the skill of the orthodontist involved. Secondly, the position of these braces make the wires and braces vulnerable to damage while eating. The repair of such damages, will further increase the cost. Also, maintaining oral hygiene becomes difficult due to the position of these braces.
Many parents are often concerned about the cost while opting for orthodontic treatment for their children. However, certain dental schools provide the treatment at a reduced cost, to train their students. Also, some programs serve kids and teens this kind of treatment at an affordable price, if their family is not able to meet the cost. However, these options are only available to kids, whose family doesn’t make enough money. In the end, you need to talk to your child’s orthodontist and do a bit of research yourself, to get the best deal for your kids orthodontic treatment.