Bleeding Gums Treatment

Bleeding Gums Treatment

Gums may bleed due to a stiff injuring blow to the gums, vitamin deficiencies, certain blood thinning medications, and hormonal changes. While these lead to relatively short-term problems, the main causes of bleeding gums are, bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. These microorganisms release acids and toxins that cause inflammation of the gums and hence, weakens them. Bleeding gums cause pain while eating or even on the slightest touch. The symptoms include, perennially swollen gums, bleeding while brushing or even on touching a sensitive or loose tooth, bad breath, and receding gums. A gum problem should be cured as early as possible, as it may lead to teeth related problems, and even jawbone disease in the later stages. So, the best thing you can do when your gums bleed is to treat them right away.

Common Treatment Options
The first thing to do when you find that you are having such a problem is to go to a dentist and assess the damage. The dentist will recommend the medicines based upon the extent of the problem. If you realize the problem early enough, the dentist won’t have much to do about it. He will probably just clean out your teeth using the scaling method to remove any deposits, and remove any other dental irritants.

Use correct brushing and flossing techniques. The fact that this problem has come up means that, there must be something wrong in your brushing technique. Use special anti-bacterial toothpaste that is recommended by your dentist. A mouthwash, including the active ingredient chlorhexidine is recommended for people with sensitive gums.

The dentist will recommend a specific diet, which is low in sugars and saturated fats. On the other hand, a diet rich in fruits, leafy vegetables, and whole grains is beneficial for your gums. Gum trouble is generally associated with the deficiency of vitamin C, hence, you should consume fruits that are rich in vitamin C, such as oranges. Vitamin C supplements can also be helpful, however, consuming the natural fruit is much more helpful than the synthetic supplements. Another food ingredient, which you will need is calcium. Calcium will also help in repairing any damage that the teeth may have sustained due to the gum injury.

There are other active ingredients, which are good for dental care, that you can consume in one way or the other. The leaves of the Neem tree are said to have wonderful anti-bacterial properties. You can sprinkle dried neem leaf powder on your toothpaste while brushing. There are also some non-consumable oils that you could use as a treatment. You can use tea tree oil along with your toothpaste as well. A very potent natural mouthwash can be made by using geranium, lemon tree oil, and tea tree oil. This mouthwash may be natural, however, adequate care should be taken not to swallow it, as it is dangerous for the organs.

Gum disease is a very irritating disease, as it interferes with one of our most essential daily activities, eating. So it is best to keep this problem at bay. You can avoid having to go through the ordeal by brushing your teeth properly after every meal. Flossing should be done at least once a day. You should also use mouthwash before sleeping so that no bacteria will settle on your teeth while sleeping. Avoid eating foods with sugars, especially processed foods and soda. Also, schedule regular appointments with your dentist, so that, in case, any such gum trouble symptoms are visible, he will find a cure before the problem worsens.